
Moving Along…

October 12, 2009

So a couple of weeks have gone by now, and I’ve made some more baby steps. No major items crossed off the list, just 1 goal completion and a few partials. The one goal i did accomplish was #94, Reach 1000 “tweets” on twitter. So what was my profound thought I decided to share with the twitterverse? I was a complaining about the Chicago Bears bye week this week. Rightfully so too, as I had no game to liven up my Sunday this week! I’m not sure how long it took me to reach this milestone, but I’m guessing it was well over a year.  I know Heather passed this mark a long time ago, but then again, she has a lot more to say then I do.

So, other goals I’ve made progress towards. One of my favorites, #27. Play 1 game from each shelf in the board game library. The new lucky winner was from shelf 18, a great game called Jungle Speed!  I’m happy to report there are no lasting injurys from this game (anyone familir with it, will understand). Although we did have one player run across the table after the totem! We played with 8 players and it was an absolute blast.

The Great Wall of China

The Great Wall of China

The next goal I made progress towards was number #26, play 10 new board games. Me and heather worked on this one toight and grabbed a game off a shelf in the library I have never played. Sadly, there a quite a few “shelf games” or unopened boxes of games that looked cool, but I never had time to play. So the lucky winner was The Great Wall of China.  A fun little card game that forces you to make decisions with your head an not your heart (there were times when I wanted to take the “Trick” just to have it, but decided to hold back was a smarter move). This is one of those games that will clearly be much more fun with more players. It wasn’t bad with 2, but could really use a few more people to make it more fun. All in all, I’d play it again.

But that’s about it for this update. I did throw some starting numbers down for #38 & #39 (pushups and situps), but those aren’t really reflective of my current max. I just counted how many i did consecutively in martial arts class this week and used that to get something up there. someday I’ll actually try and see how many I can do.

So not a very exciting update, but I wanted to get something out there for my loyal list followers (Hi Mom!).  We’ll see if we can’t make the next update a little better 🙂


  1. nice job!~ One thought I had, I think to make this more interesting, you should put the numbers from 1 to 101 in a hat and pick one out randomly to work on so all gaming ones don’t get used up first:)

    • Well I’m technically working on them all at the same time. It’s all about having the opportunity to do them! 🙂

  2. Sadly, our friends are not as in to Jungle Speed as we hoped they would be. Alas.

    Keep up the good work on this – Steph and I are rooting for you.

  3. I’m glad I get to be part of your list! 🙂

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